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Faculty Lecture Series: Sam Sacco, "Community-Engaged Learning in an Undergraduate Setting"

Faculty Lecture Series: Sam Sacco, "Community-Engaged Learning in an Undergraduate Setting"

“With greater accountability from a student perspective along with the need for small liberal arts institutions with in-person instruction continuing to compete within the changing landscape of higher education, innovative ways to address the evolving student preparatory needs for "life after college" have come to the forefront.”

“To respond to the trends, we have incorporated several community-engaged partnerships into our business curricula at Salve Regina University over the last few years which provide students with dynamic experiential opportunities. These partnerships have given students valuable life & career skills while simultaneously helping organizations throughout the state.”

Excerpted from a Northeast Business & Economics Conference 2024 presentation by Dr. Jennifer Bonoff and Mr. Samuel Sacco

The presentation will review the economic impact and other experiential projects developed by student teams. Past clients include the Rhode Island Hospitality Association, Newport Hospital, NUWC, U.S. Naval Sea Command (Washington, D.C.), Hope and Main Food Incubator, Newport Contemporary Ballet, Fall River Vietnam Memorial Wall Committee, Salve Regina University, City of Newport, and the Cliff Walk Commission. 

Currently, the project backlog extends into 2027.

Thursday, November 21, 2024
4:00pm - 5:30pm
McKillop Library Atrium
  Library Lecture > Faculty Lecture Series